
Uniform Men


Adam Killian Scott Hunter Will Swagger Bob Hager Shay Michaels Nate Karlton Samuel Colt Spencer Reed Marc Dylan


鬍鬚男 巨屌 警察/監獄 父子 深喉嚨 戀物癖 消防員 緊身衣&皮衣 軍人 筋肉 自然體毛 口交 舔屁眼 刺青 搔癢


Colt Studio



A man in uniform is like no other. Be he a fireman, a captain, an officer or a gentleman. Director Kristofer Weston brings back this classic theme by putting our COLT men in their dress finest. The COLT crew takes you behind the scenes as they never have before, giving you a close look into the making of our COLT Uniform Calendar. We let the cameras roll as these COLT Uniform Men indulge in their fantasies, and each other. The results speak for themselves.