


Antione Nightstick Shortie Sevyn Billy Hughes J-Buck Lil Bam Bam Tygar Would Taij


黑人 跨種族


Video 10



Blackhattan is a true story based on the cum-dripping exploits of many young and horny black men of New York City who get their freaks on at all times of the day and night while the city goes about it's business. First, the day gets off to a freaky start when J-Buck tops Antione, then, that night, Lil Bam Bam tops Tygar Would while Shortie plays the middleman. The following morning, Sevyn tops Billy Hughes, and finally, Nightstick tops Taij in a romantic loft. For more horny Black men having hot sex with each other all around the city of New York, watch out for Blackhattan part 2 - Stickin' Tha' Dickin', & Blackhattan part 3 - Sex Dawgs